Business Problem:
While designing a ventilation system, the duct sizes have to be designed based on a number of parameters. There is a large number of iterative calculations to be done. There was a need to automate this process
Project Description:
The project was to develop a software which the use can interactively construct a graphical duct layout and then perform the required calculations. The final output would contain all the required dimensions to construct the ducting system.
Technology included :Dos/QuickBasic
Company I worked For: NCB
Role : System Designer and developer
Team Size: 1
I designed and developed the system (Oct 92-Feb 93). Used in 2 Mini Cement Plants
While designing a ventilation system, the duct sizes have to be designed based on a number of parameters. There is a large number of iterative calculations to be done. There was a need to automate this process
Project Description:
The project was to develop a software which the use can interactively construct a graphical duct layout and then perform the required calculations. The final output would contain all the required dimensions to construct the ducting system.
Technology included :Dos/QuickBasic
Company I worked For: NCB
Role : System Designer and developer
Team Size: 1
I designed and developed the system (Oct 92-Feb 93). Used in 2 Mini Cement Plants